Monday, April 4, 2016

and...We're Back

Friends, after a 5 year hiatus, it feels like it's time to pick up the pen again and start blogging. No promises that it will continue, but today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow.

Since we last met, here is a quick re-cap.

Beginning of the school year 2011, my wife Leah was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
September 2011 through July 2012 Leah lived, loved, and grew valiantly until there was no more. She passed away on 23 July 2012 (ד' אב).
2012 - 2013 I was a single father raising 5 kids while trying to put the pieces back together. With Leah dying I not only lost my life partner but also my business partner. I didn't want to go back to fundraising without her, so a new direction fell into my lap - editing, translating, content writing.
Fall 2013 I decided to try dating again for the first time in forever (literally).
Two days after Yom Kippur 2013 I went out with a lovely lady named Batsheva. Our third date was at our house when Batsheva brought 5 of her 9 kids to our sukkah for a bbq.
On TU b'Shvat (January 16, 2014) we got married.
January 2014 until today Batsheva and I have been merging, blending, supporting, loving, holding, challenging, fighting our kids as we move forward in this huge and holy project.
Now I am searching for a new career path in life.
We are selling our current house, that Leah and I bought and planned to live in for 120 years, and Batsheva and I are planning our new dream house - one suitable and fitting for our dynamic and expanded troops.

I imagine that much of the future blog posts will focus on many of the above elements, but I hope it will also include politics, new/old Torah thoughts, insights into life in the Golan, pretty much anything. I'm also open to suggestions.

Looking forward.

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